Metis Nation of Alberta and University of Lethbridge Support Metis Students
On Wednesday, Jan 25th 2012, the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) and the University of Lethbridge (U of L) announced a $1 million endowment fund for Métis students.
The endowment was created by a donation of $500,000 from the MNA’s Métis Education Foundation (MEF), and matching contributions from the U of L and will be endowed in perpetuity as a $1 million fund that will be called “Métis Education Foundation – Métis Scholar Awards”.
“Since 2008, the Métis Nation of Alberta, through the Metis Education Foundation, has now set-up nine endowment funds that total more than $13.5 million,” said MNA President, Audrey Poitras. “These endowments are more than gifts or donations they are investments in Metis students.”
On behalf of the Board of Governors that approved the financial transfers necessary to capitalize the Métis Education Foundation, Rupertsland Institute CEO Lorne Gladu was quick to point out “financial supports are only part of the equation … what we are focusing on is the continuing partnership that will benefit all Métis students at U of L.”
In order to support the partnership and the objectives of the endowment, the MNA has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Lethbridge. “The MOU complements those that are in place at other post-secondary institutions where MEF has endowments … and is designed to address the broader issues that Métis students face during post-secondary study,” said Gladu.
RLI is an affiliate of the MNA, with a mandate on education, training, and research.
Aaron Barner, Associate Director