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Rupertsland Institute – Data Collection System


Rupertsland Institute (RLI) was incorporated as a not for-profit company in 2010. RLI is an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) and carries a triple mandate in education, training and research. A professional Board of Governors representing academia, government, the Métis community and members of the MNA Provincial Council govern the organization, and RLI reports on results to the federal and provincial government as required by the respective funding agreements.

As part of the education mandate, RLI administers the Metis Education Foundation through which endowment agreements have been established with 14 post-secondary institutions across Alberta. The institutions invest the original endowment capital as per their respective investment policies and distribute a portion of the interest generated annually to Metis students attending the institution in the form of Metis Scholar Awards.

According to the endowment agreements, each institution is required to report annually to RLI on the status of the endowment investment (financial information) as well as providing information on the students who have received the scholar awards (operational information).

To facilitate reporting, RLI is requesting proposals for the development of a database, where each institution can enter the required reporting data. The data must be entered in a standardized cumulative way so that accurate stats, queries and reports can be generated.

Deliverables Expected

  • A database that accurately records the financial and operational data that is to be collected.
  • Demonstration of the system to student award administrators
  • Creation of accounts for each student award administrator
  • Coaching for users as needed to ensure accurate information is being collected

The proposal should contain a description of:

  • Your experience and background in database development
  • The platform on which the database will be built
  • An outline of the methodology and steps you will use in development of the project
  • How you will communicate with post secondary institutions to ensure date is being entered correctly

Closing Date: October 20, 2017

Please forward your proposal by e-mail or hard copy to:

Joan Isaac
Director of Operations
Rupertsland Institute
2300, 10123-99 St, Edmonton, Ab, T5J 3HI

Download the RFP Document For Full Details